These were taken a while ago now, sometime in December when we went out to celebrate the end of our Winter term. I'm wearing my old trusty American Apparel skater dress, I absolutely love it and wear it far too much, and have teamed it with a leather jacket and a big woolly scarf (more for practicality and to avoid pneumonia than anything else but I think it kinda works). For this night I decided to do something big and a little mad for my hair, I've become far too complacent and boring with my hair and wanted to try something different. Also watching re-runs of all 6 series of Sex and the City I suppose I was inspired by Carrie's lovely big curls. Naturally my hair is very thick and quite curly so it holds artificial curls from curling irons really well. For this I just roughly curled all my hair and then backcombed it at the roots and ends. Because my fringe is growing out and at an awkward stage I just stuck a headband over the top to keep it to one side. Bit of a modern take on the 1920's curls and hairbands, which I adore.
BIsous, R xox
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