Despite dreading it I had an amazing weekend and wish I could turn 21 every week. My 21st weekend was jammed full of american apparel rummage sales at 9 in the morning, bouquets of flowers, friends in wigs and cocktails. To distract myself from the horror of becoming a full fledged adult (debatable) I donned a wig, forced my friends into doing the same and drank myself merry with amazing cocktails at Lounge Lover, in Shoreditch. It was a night like no other, with amazing drinks, company and a specially made unicorn cake because I love them so. The night started in a civilised cocktail bar and ended in us trumpeting down Shoreditch High Street, drinking alcohol we found on the street and dancing to 60's music in Catch but it couldn't have been any more perfect if it tried. With the final cherry on the birthday cake being a full english breakfast at The Breakfast Club in Spitalfields, and a particularly cute waiter, I had a whale of a time at my very own birthday ball. Lots of love to everyone who made it so special.
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